Our commitment to our clients is to be the most professional provider of facilities management and support services to businesses in Nigeria and in the West African Sub-Region.
We will build the capability to provide Multi and Integrated facilities management services across our key markets. Where we decide to do this we will be world-class.

Whassan Nigeria Ltd (WENL), operating since 1982, is focused on provide catering and facilities management services to businesses in the upstream oil & gas sector.
Adasa Catering Services Ltd (ADASA) was incorporated in August 2010 to strategically provide catering and facilities management services to businesses outside the Oil & Gas (O&G) sector of the economy.
ADASA & WENL are both leading professional catering and support service providers in Nigeria, both are 100% Nigerian owned, and currently provides great service to major clients around Nigeria at onshore and offshore sites.
The two companies share common ownership and management and are together referred to as “WHASSAN”

Whassan was, until 2011, in a joint venture partnership in Nigeria with the Compass Group Plc, an ISO certified company. Whassan continues to maintain the same high international standards in Safety, Quality and attention to detail and is currently ISO certified.

• Whassan is a 100% Nigerian owned Support Services business operating in Nigeria since 1982.
• We are a leading specialist in Catering & Facilities Management in Nigeria, across a range of sectors including Oil & Gas, Business and Industry.

We have a National and
International management team
with expertise across the range of
services and highly experienced,
coupled with a support team
spread across a range of skills
required to provide efficient
service to our Clients.

Our wide range of Support Services under Whassan include:
- Cleaning & Janitorial
- Facilities Maintenance
- Business & Office Services
- Outdoor Grounds Management
- Project Management
- Catering – Onshore, Offshore & Remote Sites
- Manpower Supply (Tech/QA QC)